- Domov
- Aktuality
Music documents in memory institutions in Slovakia
01.09.2022 Aktuality
The presentation comprises a series of audio-visual documents about institutions which administer music documents of various kinds in Slovakia.
2022 IAML Congress, Prague 26.7.2022
The principal idea of this project is to present, via short audio-visual documents, Slovak institutions that manage music documents, and as such are an indispensable though relatively less visible component of contemporary music culture. The aim was to provide a picture of their specificities and professional potential, and to encourage collaboration and information sharing.
In 2022 10 short videos were produced in cooperation with Slovak Branche of IAML representing diverse types of memory institutions holding music documents:
- Slovak National Museum – Music Museum
- University Library Bratislava, Music Cabinet
- Museum of Literature and Music, Banská Bystrica
- Music Centre Slovakia
- Záhorie Museum in Skalica
- Ján Bocatius Public Library, Košice
- Juraj Fándly Library, Trnava
- AC Evangelical Church in Slovakia, Levoča
- Literary Archive of the Slovak National Library, Martin
- AC Evangelical Church in Slovakia, Lyceum Library, Kežmarok
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council
Given the budgetary limits on feasibility in SNS IAML and the individual institutions, the technical quality of the documents is variable, ranging from amateur to professional. In finalising them, however, our priority was to communicate the content of the spoken word and to present those who devote their work to music and music documents. Taking this into consideration, we are sure that the viewer will be generous in judging them.

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